Thursday, April 26, 2012

So, where have I been for the past year and how/why did I gain so much weight?
Well, let me say this; If there were any good reason to gain a shit-ton of weight, this would be one of them.


Meet Lia

She's 10 weeks old and she's amazing you guys!  We're so totally over the moon in love with her.  Such a great baby and a sweetie like her big sister Ava. You can already tell she's gonna have a great little personality.  Plus, she's sleeping through the night [hallelujah] and nursing like a champ. I know, we're so lucky.  

As far as working on me and eating well/moving more, I can definitely say it's been tough, but I'm getting there.  I've set myself back a big fat chunk [pun intended] and it sucks and I hate it.  I really had my fun with food for a solid 9 months.  I have a closet full of clothes that don't fit and won't for a while.  That's depressing fo sho.  But, I'm committed.  I did it once, I can do it again.  And let me tell you, I totally will.  I'm gonna get to goal this time.  I was 15 lbs away you guys.  15 freaking lbs!  (((sigh)))

Oh well, she is so worth it.  




Sara aka Future Hot Mama said...

Congrats to you Kim! She is precious! No worries, you know how to do it girl! It will happen! Enjoy your little one while you can.

Christi said...

GAAAAAHHHH!!!!! YOU HAD A LITTLE BABY GIRL!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU AND YOUR BEAUTIFUL LITTLE FAMILY! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! Just think where you would have been if you didn't already come so far with your weight loss. You're a superstar and I'm so proud of you.

Kim Zay said...

Thanks Sara!

Melody said...

Congratulations on your newest addition!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you and your family on your newest arrival.

Kim Zay said...

Christi! Thanks so much! And how are you? I just saw your fb comment too and saw that you got married! Congrats! You looked beautiful! I love your dress and your pictures came out so gorgeous! Hope you're enjoying married life! :)

Kim Zay said...

Thanks everyone!

Unknown said...

Congrats! She is so beautiful.